
Resilience System

ESSAY: It Will Take More Than a Vaccine to Beat COVID-19

Pandemic seems to be leveling off in U.S., but numbers remain troublingly high, experts say

WHO says vaccine safety top priority, as AstraZeneca pauses study

ZURICH/GENEVA (Reuters) - Safety of a prospective COVID-19 vaccine comes "first and foremost", the World Health Organization's chief scientist said on Wednesday, as a trial of a leading candidate from AstraZeneca was paused due to concerns over side effects.

Rollout of an effective vaccine is seen as a crucial step in helping battered economies recover from the coronavirus pandemic.

"Just because we talk about speed...it doesn't mean we start compromising or cutting corners on what would normally be assessed," Dr. Soumya Swaminathan said in a social media event.

"The process still has to follow through rules of the game. For drugs and vaccines which are given to people, you have to test their safety, first and foremost," she said.

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Operation Warp Speed promised to do the impossible. How far has it come?

It’s called Operation Warp Speed. And — regardless of one’s politics, one’s level of concern about Covid-19, or one’s views of therapeutics and vaccines — it inarguably ranks as one of the most ambitious scientific endeavors in modern U.S. history.

Is it working?

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NEW STUDY: Sturgis motorcycle rally was a 'superspreader event'

WASHINGTON — In early August, more than 460,000 motorcycle enthusiasts converged on Sturgis, S.D., for a 10-day celebration where few wore facial coverings or practiced social distancing. A month later, researchers have found that thousands have been sickened across the nation, leading them to brand the Sturgis rally a “superspreader” event. 

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AstraZeneca Covid-19 vaccine study put on hold due to suspected adverse reaction in participant in the U.K.

Half a million US children have been diagnosed with Covid-19

CNN)Half a million US children have been diagnosed with Covid-19, according to the American Academy of Pediatrics and the Children's Hospital Association.
The groups said 70,630 new child cases were reported from August 20 through September 3. This is a 16% increase in child cases over two weeks, bringing up the total to at least 513,415 cases, the groups said in their weekly report on pediatric coronavirus cases.
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How the Aging Immune System Makes Older People Vulnerable to Covid-19

Covid-19 patients who are 80 or older are hundreds of times more likely to die than those under 40.

That’s partly because they are more likely to have underlying conditions — like diabetes and lung disease — that seem to make the body more vulnerable to Covid-19.

But some scientists suggest another likely, if underappreciated, driver of this increased risk: the aging immune system.

The changes that ripple through our network of immune cells as the decades pass are complex, resulting in an overreaction here, a delayed response there and over all, a strangely altered landscape of immunity.

Scientists who study the aging immune system say that understanding it may lead not only to a clearer sense of how age is connected to disease vulnerability, but to better strategies for vaccines and treatments for Covid-19.

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Covid patients have lung damage 'weeks after leaving hospital'

ANALYSIS: What Young, Healthy People Have to Fear From COVID-19

Drugmakers Pledge to Avoid Safety Shortcuts on Covid Vaccine - Bloomberg

4 cover 
COVID-19  Vaccine Drug Safety
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WHO new graphics on the world wide spread of COVID-19

Editors Note: Click on the word graphics for a link to the illustrations.


New graphics from the World Health Organization illustrate how much worse the coronavirus pandemic is in the Americas compared to other regions of the world.

The US has more cases and more deaths than any other country, with Brazil coming in for a close second.

New graphics from the World Health Organization illustrate how much worse the coronavirus pandemic is in the Americas compared to other regions of the world.

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Covid-19's 'serious, long-term impact' can improve with time, early evidence suggests

First Famines of Coronavirus Era Are at World’s Doorstep, U.N. Warns

The first famines of the coronavirus era could soon hit four chronically food-deprived conflict areas — Yemen, South Sudan, northeast Nigeria and the Democratic Republic of Congo — the top humanitarian official of the United Nations has warned.

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ANALYSIS: Coronavirus: Tests 'could be picking up dead virus'

The main test used to diagnose coronavirus is so sensitive it could be picking up fragments of dead virus from old infections, scientists say.

Most people are infectious only for about a week, but could test positive weeks afterwards.

Researchers say this could be leading to an over-estimate of the current scale of the pandemic.

But some experts say it is uncertain how a reliable test can be produced that doesn't risk missing cases.

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